What is a Fit2Go Body Screen?
Being injured at work, during sport or even going about your day to day activities can cause a lot of distress and have financial, social and even psychological implications.
The Fit2Go Body Screening Tool looks at multiple interactions to do with your Health / Lifestyle / Body led by a trained professional to highlight all the potential injury risk factors relevant to your activity. It will produce health and lifestyle advice that is tailored only to you and a specific exercise programme to further help you reduce your chances of injury.
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About Fit2Go Body Screen
We are a group of experienced physiotherapists with a passion to improve the health, lifestyle and bodies of the population and reduce your risk of injury.
An injury is defined as physical damage to the body, but it can have psychological implications causing distress and anxiety. Injuries can happen anywhere and to anyone – at work, playing sport or even going about your day-to-day activities. Some injuries have a long recovery time, and others can be life-limiting. They also have huge financial implications with musculoskeletal injury currently costing the UK economy £14 billion a year, the NHS £5 – £6 billion per year and the global economy $796.3 billion per year.
So, how likely are you to get injured? As you can imagine the answer to this question depends on many different factors and circumstances.
The Fit2Go Body Screen has been developed based on clinical evidence, by experienced and passionate physiotherapists working in musculoskeletal practice. The screening tool looks at multiple variables related to HEALTH, LIFESTYLE and BODY and integrates all these factors through complex algorithms. This produces a tailored risk assessment based on a traffic light system and highlights areas that are prone to injury.
Tailored advice is generated explaining the reasoning behind each score, along with an exercise programme to prevent future injury. It also advises you on appropriate local services that would benefit you such as personal training, exercise classes, physiotherapy or nutritional advice.
Similar screenings on the market cost in excess of £700! The Fit2go Body Screen will always be carried out for no more than £60, in a clinic near you. We believe that education on how to improve your wellbeing should be accessible and easily available to anyone who needs it.
Unlike other screenings, this tool provides bespoke advice with instantaneous results. It allows you to compare your results anonymously with others in your demographic and current level of activity, creating a competitive environment to encourage you to aim for the peak of your physical fitness. The FREE online health and lifestyle Check Up, and the body screening itself, become more advanced as you move from beginner through to ‘icon levels’ and you can track your progress over months to years.
It’s good to know you’re Fit2Go!

What is measured?

Injury Risk Scale
The physiotherapists that have designed the screening tool have had many years of experience in private musculoskeletal practice. They know how complicated it is to predict injury, however the diagram below demonstrates the basic principle the algorithms are based on. We call it the ‘Injury Risk Scale’.

How do the algorithms interlink?

The diagram demonstrates how multiple factors to do with your Health, Lifestyle and Body interlink to estimate your chances of injury. The scores influence other scores between and even within each category. This gives 1000’s of different combinations meaning it is tailored to you. (Please note the diagram is a mock-up for demonstrative purposes only, it is not a true representation of the interlinks)
What does the software produce?

The software progresses with you

The level of screening grows with your overall score, so when you next attend your screening, the testing is as bespoke as it can be to your current level of load usage and foundation. The testing and the information provided is as unique as your DNA, no other tool can do this, which is why we have an international patent pending.
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